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Domestic or commercial buildings require proper drainage systems to maintain a fresh supply of water and to remove waste to the sites where it can be treated and disposed of. 

On the contrary if an issue occurs, the consequences are felt both in the short and long run. Contributing both to the quality of the home and life. Here at Kavan Groundworks & Civils LTD we have the latest technology and professional staff and our aim for excellence is the ultimate goal.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_testimonial author=”Johnathan Smith” job_title=”Director” portrait_url=”” _builder_version=”4.19.4″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]

Great service from Kavan Groundworks & Civils, they came out the same day within 3 hours as promised, the engineers were very helpful and professional. They cleared the problem very quickly at a very reasonable price. Would definitely use  this company again.

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There are many reasons that contribute to the blocking of drains and the severity of such blocks

The most common causes of drain blockage are:

In the case of the drain being blocked but otherwise undamaged, the natural progression would be to remove the blockage and clean the pipes. We use a wide variety of methods like tools such as drain rods which are utilized to dislodge blockage and water jetting systems. Water jet systems are quiet effective at blasting away stubborn blockages like fat, grease etc. owing to their high pressure systems. If you have Blocked Drains in Coventry then give us a call for a FREE quote.



Efficient Drain Unblocking

Our engineers are fully trained to use all of our specialist Drain Jetting equipment & CCTV Camera Survey equipment. For efficiency, our vehicles will arrive completely equipped with all of the drain unblocking tools we may need, including the following:

Drain Jetting

Drain jetting is a process designed to relieve drain blockages using high pressure water jets. This process is environmentally friendly, and does not damage your drainage. Your drainage can be quickly cleared and ready for use without using harsh chemicals.

24/7 Unblocking Service

Blocked drains can arise at any given moment and will rarely pay any regard to your schedule. Although inconvenient, a blockage should be dealt with immediately. If neglected, a blockage can very quickly go from an easy fix to a big, costly problem.

Drain blockages can occur for many reasons, and it’s crucial to accurately diagnose the cause before carrying out repairs. We know that time is of the essence when you’re dealing with a flood or sewage backup, which is where our in-depth industry knowledge comes into play. Clearing blocked drains is second nature to our highly trained, fully qualified engineers, and they are equipped with specialist drain unblocking tools. You needn’t panic when you find yourself with a blockage – we are only a phone call away.

We can reach just about any location in the West Midlands in under an hour, no matter the time of day. So, if you’re facing a blocked drain emergency and live in Coventry, Nuneaton, Bedworth, Hinckley, Birmingham, Tamworth, Solihull, Leamington, Warwick, Stratford Upon Avon or other surrounding areas, we encourage you to give us a call and we will give you a quote for unblocking your drains.

If you have a blocked drain or a slowly draining toilet, give us a call on 02477 752579. You can get a free, no obligation quote or book your engineer on the spot.

Blocked Shower or Bath

Blocked showers and baths are a common household problem. This is normally due to the build-up of fat, oil and hair that washes into the plughole and congeals into stubborn blockages. Generally, it’s simple enough to notice early signs of a blockage. Firstly, you may find water building in the shower tray, or draining slowly after a bath. Secondly, you may hear a gurgling sound coming from the plug hole, sometimes brought on by flushing the toilet. Thirdly, you may encounter an unpleasant smell. If your bath or shower is demonstrating any of these signs, you may want to call in the professionals at West Wales Waste.

Blocked Sink

Day to day life means that tiny amounts of food waste, fat and oils are gradually washed down the sink, where we hope they will just be washed away. Unfortunately, in time, build-ups will occur and congeal into a blockage. If you find that your sink water is slow to drain, is making a gurgling sound, or is starting to give off an unpleasant smell, you may well have a blockage. When you encounter these signs, we recommend calling in the professionals at West Wales Waste.

Blocked Toilet

A blocked toilet is the most inconvenient type of blockage, and the most prone to flooding. Commonly, we encounter blockages caused by wipes, cotton wool, and too much toilet paper. Sometimes, we even find that children’s toys have decided to take the plunge! Whatever the object, your toilet is likely to display signs such as a gurgling sound, an unpleasant smell and sometimes, more worryingly, the water rising in the basin. Don’t let the warning signs develop into a bigger problem, call in the professionals at West Wales Waste.




We have over 20 years of satisfied customers and competent and hardworking experts.


We ensure that we fulfil the timelines we commit. Curbing the potential extra costs incurred by clients in the face of delays. We value your time. As a drainage blockage may occur in the most odd instances, here at Kavan Groundworks & Civils LTD provide a round the clock phone service allowing our valued clients to reach us immediately without any hesitation or doubts. All you need to do is pick up the phone and let us know. We will take care of the rest, on time and under the budget.

Professional oversight

Providing professional oversight from the point of creative inception till the finishing touches, we insure the trust of our clients. We assist the client in installation, servicing and repair of your drainage systems, accompanied with competitive pricing for the long term maintenance agreements with a wide variety of clients. We provide a complete guide and solutions to the matter at hand.

Free no obligation quotations

We try to make your life as stress free as possible for us. For this very reason we provide a free no obligations quotations for the work required by our valued client upon proper investigations and surveys. The clients are welcome to walk away in case of any dissatisfaction. But we are confident in our abilities to rectify your problems. Our team of experienced experts with hands on applications for remedies and our most affordable rates are a no brainer.

Technical innovations

Kavan Groundworks & Civils LTD incorporates technological advancements to enhance our results. We use state of the art CCTV Drainage Survey Equipment to look at the problem visually to help us locate and fix the blocked drains, carry out drain relining and so much more. It is not uncommon for drainage issues to occur, lucky for you we have you covered all the way around with expertise ranging to a great degree regarding the issue. With state of the art floor drainage system, we ensure your satisfaction.

Our Message

Here at Kavan Groundworks & Civils LTD strive day in and day out to provide you a one door solution to all your drainage concerns ranging from the initial consultancy and design to the exquisite finished product. With expertise in every aspect of drainage Exeter ranging from comprehensive drain clearance to gutter cleaning; our satisfied customers are our greatest treasure. We are confident that your trust in us will be as rewarding as is your satisfaction for us. We look forward to your valued feedback.

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Drain Unblocking Birmingham | Drain Unblocking Nuneaton | Drain Unblocking Bedworth | Drain Unblocking Meriden | Drain Unblocking Kenilworth | Drain Unblocking Balsall Common | Drain Unblocking Knowle | Drain Unblocking Burbage | Drain Unblocking Hinckley | Drain Unblocking Lutterworth | Drain Unblocking Rugby | Drain Unblocking Dunchurch | Drain Unblocking Southam
